FAQ 9 – What is vacuum technology?
Mattia Pozzato, NTS Project Manager, tells us about vacuum technology managed by NTS.
Why is vacuum technology used in NTS?
In NTS siamo in grado di gestire lo stampaggio a iniezione termoindurente con l’aiuto del vuoto in cavità. Ciò comporta miglioramento del processo produttivo ed un aumento della qualità del prodotto.
In NTS we are able to manage injection moulding of thermoset material with vacuum inside the cavity. This allows an improvement of the production process and an increase of the quality of the product.
Through vacuum technology, we eliminate possible porosities of the piece and improve the final aesthetic aspect.
This is only one of the technological solutions we implement to reach a quality without any compromise.
Contact us now to find out if our integrated approach can bring added value also to your company.
Mattia Pozzato