NTS confirms and reinforces its commitment in Corporate Social Responsibility (CRS) by generating its first Sustainability Report referred to yr 2017 according to ONU Global Compact requirements.
Business continuity and sustainability are the core of a commitment which goes beyond promises and proves to be an everyday reality.
NTS’ path proceeds in its strategical evolution towards the empowerment of human resources and the enhancement of their soft skills. In particular, the subjects examined in 2017 have been:
• Safety, Ergonomics and Well – being at work (WHP project)
• Continuous staff training
The attention to these aspects allowed the company to empower qualities such as professionalism and know-how in its team, features that have always been the most appreciated in NTS.
To confirm the strategical direction aimed at “making the difference” with innovative “beyond moulding” services, NTS announced the change of name and logo, with the intent of creating an even more decisive positioning in the thermosetting and thermoplastic market of technical industrial products. The perspective is also building an effective sectoral and geogrphical diversification.
In this branch, we have planned actions of crossmedial communication, with the awareness that an even stronger brand identidy can generate attractiveness of skills and a stronger sense of belonging inside a team wich is already very compact.
Are you curious to find out more?
Read the enclosed Social Responsibility Report of year 2017.