PMI DAY 2018

Also this year NTS joined with great enthusiasm the PMI DAY – INDUSTRIAMOCI (Small Medium-sized Enterprise DAY– Entrepreneurship project for students) that is an initiative promoted by Confindustria, since 2010, which sees its associated companies open their doors to the students of secondary and upper secondary Italian schools.  By now at its ninth edition, this project involves in Bergamo more than 5.000 students.

The first recipients of this initiative are students – to whom it is intended to transmit business culture – their families and teachers, which play a decisive role in orienting their students, but also administrators of local institutions, media and all those who interact with the activities of the companies.


For this occasion NTS hosted 53 students of the eighth grades of Lallio and Treviolo. After a brief welcome, they visited our production departments to experience firsthand the values of work and business culture. Afterwards there has been a moment of exchange and comparison between students and NST staff.

The aim of the initiative was to show the strength and the innovation of the small and medium-sized enterprises of the manufacturing sector in Bergamo and how they are vital for the socio-economic endurance of our territory, giving a fundamental contribution to the economic and social growth of our Country through the creation of wealth and occupation.


These events allow to publicly show the true potential of the enterprise in transmitting its social role, also helping younger people to orient themselves in their next formative choices and gain a higher awareness of their upcoming future.


The great involvement and the interest shown by the students, made this SME Day very meaningful for all participants.




These days we have interviewed our Eng. Matteo Longhi, Production Planner at NTS.
We’ve asked him to reveal the secret of the good organization.



When did you arrive in NTS?
In 2008. My arrival did not correspond to a positive period for the world’s economy, at that time I was in charge of the industrialization of the processes. A few years later – in 2010 – our company underwent a market increase, as a consequence I have been assigned to the production planning, branch that I am pleased to coordinate with great enthusiasm today.


What do you deal with concretely?
I plan the production of the company.
My role consists in managing all the resources (raw materials, labor, machineries) to produce according to right schedules and to the agreed quality standard.
Apart from management skills, I believe that the most delicate aspect of my job consists in interpreting and filtering the requests from the outside in order to find a proper balance for our internal resources.



How do you nurture your balance?
I cultivate a thought each day: there are no preconceptions, stereotypes, receipts suitable to all contexts. Each situation and person deserve a specific and personalized treatment. It is necessary to find a terrain of dialogue with everyone, and never a conflict one.
Another powerful help to counterbalance energies is sport, my way to let off anxiety and negativity.


What kind of sport do you play?
I love basketball. I try to carve out at least two or three weekly appointments.
I am also President of Associazione Sportiva Pallacanestro Ranica.
I believe that sport is a great resource: I try to instill this principle in young people and, especially, in their parents.
Training as best as we can for a competition, behaving fairly, rejoicing in victory and understanding oneself better through defeats are all experiences that do not remain in the playing field but reverse necessarily in everyday life.


Many people in NTS enjoy playing sport. Is it a coincidence?
I believe that in life, after wandering a lot, you feel attracted by people which are similar to you.
Values like honesty, commitment and determination are shared by everyone of us in NTS, therefore a common background among colleagues does not surprise me.


What do you like the most in NTS?
First of all  those who work here feel they are part of something.
Decisions are never imposed from above, they are always shared and explained with the team.
I believe that the word listening is really felt at all levels.
A personal example: when I realized my workload was too much, I have immediately been supported by a collaborator.
This allowed me to delegate some operational activities and to focus more on coordination.
It’s been a choice that our Direction made with great naturalness and availability.
I think that the beautiful aspect of NTS lies in this deep attention towards people, that’s it.


Are there other keywords you would use to describe life in NTS?
Transparency and familiarity. Even though the company is now quite extended, there is always that sensation of deep connection which allows you to feel fine and work well. We do not feel single units but part of a team.


Training about soft skills is considered really important in NTS. Do you find it useful?
Even if I was a bit skeptical at the beginning, I must admit that the personal growth path we are facing with Paolo Manocchi is very enriching.
I am learning for myself how it is necessary to create an auto-sustainable corporate system, to have reliable colleagues, create a working team which can operate even when I am absent.
When you focus on the quality of the relationships, you experiment a new way to work: more productive and, at the same time, more satisfying. I hope that this training path will be extended to all roles in the company.


Talking about future, what do you expect for the next years?
If I daydream, I see a product made in NTS, completely ours, from the design to the final production, a high technological and high level product.
Let’s not forget that I am always an engineer, after all 🙂