NTS 60 years celebration

Last Saturday we have been pleased to celebrate 60 years of history.

A unique and touching event where, in presence of the whole NTS team, different voices alternated to narrate our company, a reality boasting a solid past and, at the same time, an exciting future.

“I am very excited today, this is an important goal we achieved thanks to the determination and the desire to succeed, despite everything. We have to give NTS a piece of eternity and this will be possible only in as much as we are able to make the company more and more solid, autonomous and performing” –began a moved Marinella Manzoni, NTS President.

Fabio Daminelli, NTS Operations Manager, also intervened during the morning and recalled many fundamental milestones of the company, such as the opening of the plant in Romania. “I monthly  meet our Romanian colleagues and always feel impressed by the enrichment of our meetings. Distance does not matter if we are supported by the same values and the same vision”.

Also Prof. Lucio Cassia, full professor and president of the Research Center for Young and Family – University of Bergamo, reiterated how familiar companies are still the cornerstone of Italian economy: “Companies like NTS remind us of the importance of the family and of the key values that animate every big company: resilience and determination”.

At the end of the morning, the gloss by Marco Manzoni, NTS executive Vice-President: “Today we have recalled our past, rich in endless teachings. I believe that, in particular, it is important to enhance an essential aspect: we are strong and able to face personal and professional hard times. All this owing to two great features that are innate in our DNA:  flexibility – typical of the plastic material we work with – and the deep union of purposes that has always been feeding our team”.


During the morning we shew this celebrative video: