Update: NTS Coronavirus communication – CLOSURE

Dear Customers, Suppliers and Partners, it is now time to stop.
NTS is closing all its activities from the 23rd/03/2020 until the 3rd/04/2020 included, due to major forces according to the principle of the DPCM Decree dated 22/03/2020, i.e. restrictions extended to productive activities which are not essential and not strategic for human life.
We seize the opportunity to thank with esteem and gratitude each single worker that, in the last 15 days spent under difficult circumstances, showed in any case Professionalism and Spirit of Service in full #ntspeople style.

Further difficult weeks are expecting us and we just have one weapon to win this Covid-19 challenge: our strength to stay strong in order to limit the contagion. We have already done it and we will keep doing it, all together.
Bergamo and Italy are alive and vital and are strongly reacting to overtake this intense challenge.
We #keeppushing

#fullspeedahead #wedontgiveupaninch

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